Custom Solar Designs Supplied & Installed by Sydney's #1 Solar Retailer
customer service rating*
Ranked Supplier
in Sydney**
Australian Owned and Operated
Too many marketing companies are entering the solar market without the proper experience. These companies are more likely to upsell sub-standard equipment that is dangerously installed by unqualified labourers.
We offer peace of mind to our customers through cutting-edge design and in-house installations. Our proven methods of consultation, design, installation, and safety check procedures ensure that your system will deliver optimal performance and reliability.
Top Ranked Supplier

Residential Solar Sylvania
Government incentives now available up to $7,092 for Australian households***
Cutting Edge Design
Our CEC accredited solar designers utilise state of the art solar modelling software to design your solar installation and estimate your energy production.
*Disclaimer: 5 star rating is based on the SolarQuotes Network Ratings for NSW between 2019 – 2020 which can be found on the SolarQuotes website. **Disclaimer: No. 1 ranking is based on the SolarQuotes Network Rankings for NSW which can be found on the SolarQuotes website. ***Disclaimer: Government incentive amount based on a 13kW system installed in Sydney in 2020, eligible for 197 STC’s at $36 per certificate.